Bang for buck guide to adding to property value

It’s an age-old debate and the main conversation topic in many appraisals over the years. Owners want to spend a proportion of money on their home to get it ready for market, but understandably not too much, and even more pertinent is not wanting to put money into a black hole. Every house is different and contains its own nuances, meaning that they all have different needs in terms of what will add value but hopefully, this blog starts the wheels turning in your gray matter.

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Should I sell my investment property?

Lets cut to the chase – I don’t believe you should be selling a good investment property unless you absolutely have to.  Most properties will be looking after your money and future a lot better than a bank right now. You probably brought your investment property for the long-term goal of making capital gain and providing yourself an income of sorts which hopefully it is doing (if not an income yet than hopefully capital gain).  We are adamant that property is an excellent vehicle to assist in financial security.

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I want half! What happens when couples part?

I think we would be lying if we said we didn’t think about what would happen with the assets if you split up with your partner after you had been together for some time…. Especially if you initially brought more to the table financially than your partner did.  As someone who is getting married, as much as I love my partner and know that we will be together forever and a day, these things still have crossed my mind.

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